Sunday, June 10, 2012

Discussion questions from our mentor

Histochemical Staining
1.What are the colours of the stained tissue?
Pink and Blue
2.What is the pattern of the colour distribution in the stained tissue?
3.Can you identify which are the nuclei of the cells? What colour are they?
4.Can you identify the cytoplasm of the cells? What colour are they?
5.What are the relative sizes and shapes of the cells in the tissue?
The cells tend to clump together. The cells are irregular in shape and the nucleus is relatively oval in shape. The nucleus is about 1/3 the size of the cells. Adhesion between the cells are bad.
6.How many different types of cells do you think there are in the tissue?
7.Are there any other observations you have identified? If so, describe them.
No, the magnification is too small to see.

Immunohistochemical Staining
1.What are the colours in the tissue?
Varying shades of brown
2.What is the pattern of colour distribution in the stained tissue?
Brown precipitate streaks
3.Are the colours and pattern of colour distribution similar to that in the first slide?
4.The purpose was to determine the presence and location/distribution of a protein called vimentin. Which colour do you think represents vimentin? Why?
5.Describe the location/distribution of vimentin in the tissue.
At the border of the cells
6.What does the other colour(s) represent?
Green is cytoplasm, and brown is vimentin
7.Are there any other observations you have identified? If so, describe them.
Vimentin is not evenly distributed.

Fluorescence Staining
1.Can you see the tissue using the fluorescence microscope? Does the tissue appear similar to the first and second slide?
2.Describe what you observe. How many colours appear when using the fluorescence microscope and what is/are the colours?
1, bright blue
3.What do you think the colour(s) represent? Why?
4.Can you determine what is/are the patterns of locations/distribution of the colour(s) in the tissue? If no, why not?
Yes, the fluorescence blue is the nucleus.
5.Are there any other observations you have identified? If so, describe them.